Friday, November 14, 2008

Downtown San Diego..

Hello everyone~
I went to downtown San Diego with my sister+kids last saturday, but yesterday, I went there again & this time I went alone! No children in tow! So easier to move around wherever I like!(my sis dropped me off because I can't drive here without a valid California driver's license, c Britney Spears lagi kana tahan..jangan kn aku!)
Anyways, time ku jalan2 & shopping sorang2 tu I didn't really go to the streets, aku aga arah Horton Plaza saja, the main centre I think. It's like a mall, but when you get inside.. it's outdoor, I mean open air.. a bit weird the first time, but I like it!
Then I went to 4th & 5th Avenue. The farthest that I want to go. Pasalnya it was quite freaky pasal banyak 'bums'.. so makin jauh dari Horton Plaza, makin teruk lah even banyak org pelik2! Ada yg bwa bckp lagi tu..entah apa kah yg drg ckp, bahasa Mexico daa~ most people will mistake us Malays as Mexican here..sal kurang labih kn usulnya.

This is a pic of an air balloon/plane kah namanya, yg mcm katun tu, ia buat iklan..hehe the 1st time I saw a real one so that's why ku gambar.

Till next time (I'm off to Destin Florida next Thursday. Yippy!)..take care everyone! ;D

xoxo NaDz xoxo

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stress Reduction Ideas...for exam-ers :P

Humour is one of the greatest and quickest devices for reducing stress. Humour works because laughter produces helpful chemicals in the brain.Humour also gets your brain thinking and working in a different way - it distracts you from having a stressed mindset. Distraction is a simple effective de-stressor - it takes your thoughts away from the stress, and thereby diffuses the stressful feelings.Therefore most people will feel quite different and notice a change in mindset after laughing and being distracted by something humorous. Keep taking the laughter medicine until you feel suitably relaxed and re-charged.

Go for a short quick really brisk walk outside. Yes, actually leave the building.Change your environment. Breathe in some fresh air and smell the atmosphere...Trees, rain, flowers, traffic fumes - doesn't matter - stimulate your senses with new things.On your way out keep saying to yourself out loud (and to anyone else you see, in that daft way people say "Elvis has left the building.."):"(your name) is leaving the building.. " And when you are outside and free say:"(your name) has left the building.. "You can extend the exercise by going to a park and jogging a little.Or do a few star-jumps - something energetic to get your body moving and relaxing.Or stroke a dog, or pick up some litter, or kick a kid's football.

Go get a big cup or a bottle of water. Here's why...Most of us fail to drink enough water - that's water - not tea, coffee, coke, 'sports' drinks, Red Bull or fruit juice...All of your organs, including your brain, are strongly dependent on water to function properly. It's how we are built.If you starve your body of water you will function below your best - and you will get stressed. Physically and mentally.Offices and workplaces commonly have a very dry atmosphere due to air conditioning, etc., which increases people's susceptibility to de-hydration.This is why you must keep your body properly hydrated by regularly drinking water (most people need 4-8 glasses of water a day). You will drink more water if you keep some on your desk at all times - it's human nature to drink it if it's there - so go get some now.When you drink water you need to pee. This gives you a bit of a break and a bit of exercise now and then, which also reduces stress.When you pee you can see if your body is properly hydrated (your pee will be clear or near clear - if it's yellow you are not taking enough water).This will also prompt some amusing discussion and chuckling with your colleagues ("Nature calls - I'm off to the bog again...") which is also good for reducing stress.If you want to be really exotic add a slice of lemon or lime. Kiwi and sharon fruit are nice too...So now you are fully watered and guffawing and exercised up to the max, read on for ideas for how to prevent stress as well as reduce and manage it.

(Not so easy but still perfectly possible) Take a quick nap. It is nature's way of recharging and re-energising.A quick 10-30 minutes' sleep is very helpful to reduce stress. It's obviously essential if you are driving while tired, but a quick sleep is a powerful de-stressor too.A lunchtime snooze is very practical for home-workers - it just requires the realisation that doing so is acceptable and beneficial (when we are conditioned unfortunately to think that sleeping during the day is lazy, rather than healthy).If your work situation is not quite ready to tolerate the concept of a daytime nap then practise a short session of self-hypnosis, combined with deep breathing, which you can do at your desk, or even in the loo. It works wonders.

Any tea will do, but a flavoured cup of tea is even better. Experiment with different natural flavourings using herbs and spices and fruit.Fresh mint is wonderful, and excellent for the digestive system. Nettles are fantastic and contain natural relaxants. Orange zest is super (use one of those nifty little zester gadgets). Ginger root is brilliant. Many herbs, spices, fruits and edible plants make great flavoured tea, and many herbs and spices have real therapeutic properties.Making the tea and preparing the ingredients take your mind off your problems, and then smelling and drinking the tea also relaxes you. There is something wonderful about natural plants and fruits which you can't buy in a packet. Use a tea-pot or cafetiere, or if you are happy with a bit of foliage in your drink actually brew it in a big mug or heatproof tumbler.

Not much is known about the physiology of crying and tears, although many find that crying - weeping proper tears - has a powerful helpful effect on stress levels. Whatever the science behind crying, a good bout of sobbing and weeping does seem to release tension and stress for many people.Of course how and where you choose to submit to this most basic of emotional impulses is up to you. The middle of the boardroom during an important presentation to a top client is probably not a great idea, but there are more private situations and you should feel free to try it from time to time if the urge takes you.It is a shame that attitudes towards crying and tears prevent many people from crying, and it's a sad reflection on our unforgiving society that some people who might benefit from a good cry feel that they shouldn't do it ever - even in complete privacy. Unfortunately most of us - especially boys - are told as children that crying is bad or shameful or childish, which of course is to utter nonsense. Arguably only the bravest cry unashamedly - the rest of us would rather suffer than appear weak, which is daft, but nevertheless real.Whatever, shedding a few tears can be a very good thing now and then, and if you've yet to discover its benefits then give it a try. You might be surprised.

gud luck on ur exam guys :)